Wednesday 11 June 2014

DragonDisk 1.05


Dragondisk is a free record administration instrument to get to Google Cloud Storage, Amazon S3 and Amazon S3 API perfect distributed storage administrations. The Windows Explorer like graphical client interface gives access to capacities, for example, reinforcement, information association and imparting. Dragondisk is freeware and deals with Windows, Mac OS X and different Linux circulations. An order line sync instrument is accessible for each of the three stages, as well. A percentage of the progressed gimmicks of Dragondisk include:

Cut, duplicate, glue and drag&drop

Duplicate or move documents between Amazon S3 accounts

Substitute backing

Employment queueing

Organizers synchronization

Amazon S3 certifications encryption

Documents uprightness control

Metadata proofreader (custom HTTP headers)

Filename channels

Customer side layering and encryption help.




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